
Pardo-Guerra, J. P. & Pascal, U. (Forthcoming).“Historicizing Market Infrastructure.” In Oxford Handbook of Comparative Historical Sociology, edited by Richard Lachmann, Rebecca Jean Emigh, and David McCourt. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Pascal, U. (2023). Amazon 1-Click and the Value of Broken Infrastructure. In “Amazon Anthology: At the Intersection of Culture and Capital.” Paul Smith, Alex Monea, & Maillim Santiago eds. Rowman & Littlefield Press.

Pascal, U. (2020). La Ludicizzazione Dei Videogiochi. In “Game Over: Critica della ragione videoludica.” Matteo Bittanti ed. Milan: Mimesis Edizioni. (Translation of “The Gamification of Games” for Game Over: A Critique of Video Game Rationality).